We believe everyone would greatly benefit from visiting a Naturopathic Doctor.
Being healthy isn’t just living without symptoms of sickness, it’s about feeling and living with abundance and vitality in all areas of life. It’s at the core of our principles to look for the root cause of disease, and then assist the patient to bring awareness and healing into all facets. When the body is in a more balanced state, we then help our patients focus on preventative medicine. Preventative medicine is a learning and integrating process of the things we teach our patients.
As a husband and wife Naturopathic Doctor team it is important to us that our patients feel at home while in our space. When you enter Divine Elements we invite you to relax – enjoy a cup of tea, smell samples of soothing Ayurvedic oils, or settle in to one of our many books while you wait.
The Initial visit is one hour. In this hour we take the time to thoroughly understand your complete picture. This gives us an opportunity to find out your goals and expectations towards a more balanced and complete you. A focused physical exam will also be performed to further address the symptoms. If your intake form has not been filled out before this visit, we ask that you come in 15min prior to your appointment to complete your form. This allows us to gain a better understanding of your history and where you are in your healing today.
Follow up visits can include a range of different therapies depending on your unique picture and would take anywhere from 30-60 min (also depending on the treatment). It is our goal to mentor you on your healing journey and help you work with the elements, the building blocks of life.
After 4 years of specialized Post graduate education, and upon completion of government approved licensing exams, Naturopathic Physicians take on the role of primary health care practitioners. As Naturopathic Doctors we work together with our patients to find the most appropriate treatment plan. When you visit a Naturopathic Doctor you have the opportunity to learn about your body and why it’s creating the symptoms you’re experiencing. You learn that there are many options for you and alternatives to treatments that may have not worked in the past. We have a wide range of tools, labs, supplements and services that very efficiently and specifically target a wide range of conditions. For a more complete description of services please refer to the therapies page. For a list of conditions, please refer to our conditions treated page.
Naturopathic Medicine is covered under extended medical health plans. It’s recommended you talk to your provider to discuss the details of your package. After paying for your visit here, send the receipts to your provider for reimbursement.
At Divine Elements Health Centre we have the incredible opportunity of being located right next to the Khatsalano Walk in Clinic and Pharmasave, allowing for a close working relationship between practitioners and pharmacists. It is part of our vision to have patients actively working at the same time with our neighbours next door. It is an excellent opportunity for patients to be able to have an integrated network of doctors addressing your health questions and concerns.
Our future is in the hands of our children and our children’s children. Teaching them about healthy living at a young age isn’t just a privilege, but also a duty on our part as they are our sustainability. Too many children are getting sick these days due to excessive environmental toxins, Obesity, Asthma, Autism, ADD/ADHD, food sensitivities and allergies, poor eating habits, lack of health education etc. The early developmental years are crucial as they set the stage for a long healthy life. It maximizes their potential for abundance in proper growth, strong immune systems, clear minds and bodies allowing them to reach their full potential!
It is in our culture to have some level of a hypochondriasis syndrome. Each time we hear a new piece of information or an opinion from someone we trust, we always reflect on how this new knowledge may benefit us. We may hear something about a specific supplement that treats such and such a condition then decide “that will be the magic bullet that will cure all my illnesses”. The problem with this thinking is that symptom you may be experiencing is not an isolated event, but a result of an entire system of interactions producing a specific symptomatic picture. It may be something very serious that would only worsen by repeated self prescribing. As Naturopathic Doctors it is our responsibility as primary health care providers to properly address serious diseases and refer out when necessary.
You would not take your car to the baker to fix, nor would you have your yoga instructor fix your computer. Your body is the most important thing you have, and it takes a highly trained professional to diagnose and explain the intricate processes that occur in the body. In the long run, you end up spending more money, time, energy and frustration on self prescribing than you ever would seeking professional consult. Naturopathic Doctors are highly trained in anatomy, physiology, biochemistry, nutrition and psychology to understand the connections between your symptoms and lifestyle that would elicit a proper diagnosis and treatment plan.