What is the Longevity Lab?
Longevity can be defined and looked at in many different ways. In the world we live in today we are faced with numerous factors that accelerate aging. Our children are faced with chronic diseases, from anxiety to diabetes and cancers, our elderly don’t have the quality of life they deserve to live out their years, and everyone in between is running on the hamster wheel just getting through the day not listening to the aches, pains, and signals their body is giving them.
So how can we live a fulfilling and vital life when we are constantly inundated with toxins, stress, and fears? Longevity should not be defined as how long we live, but instead the quality with which we are able to experience each moment.
This is why we have created the Longevity Lab. With the use of technology and biohacking tools we are able to rewire the old patterning, rid the body of toxins, and create flexibility and adaptability in our bodies to be able to better respond to these external factors that affect our health.

Factors that Increase
Aging and Creates Disease
in the body
- Toxins
- Stress
- Poor nutrition
- Heavy Metals
- Chronic Infections
- Poor Gut Health
Benefits of Longevity
- Slow aging
- Increase energy
- Lose weight
- Heal your skin
- Detox your cells
- Improve circulation
- Enhance performance
- Speed recovery

The Bemer Mat utilizes technology studied in Europe to create more blood flow in our microvessels. With this microcirculation the cells have a way to clear the toxins and allow in the nutrients necessary for health.
Suggested Use: 20 minute programs once a week
Combination Treatments: Light wave, Infrared Sauna, IV therapy
- Improve micro-circulation
- Heal wounds
- Heal infections/trauma
- Heal inflammation
- More energy
- Detoxification

Light Wave
Light wave LED light therapy converts light energy into cellular energy for a naturally non- invasive skin rejuvenation. It utilizes a combination of red light, blue light, and infrared light therapy for anything from acne, wrinkles, scars, and skin rejuvenation. As it penetrates the skin it not only treats the outer layer but provides a systemic effect on overall health.
Suggested Use: 20 minutes
Combination Treatments: Hyperbaric, Bemer, IV Therapy, Sauna
- Better sleep
- Decrease wrinkles and fine line
- Heal acne
- Heal Scars
- Heal Injuries
- Brings back the youthful glow
- Decreases Pain

Ion Foot Bath
An ion foot bath using a patented dual polarity array to pull heavy metals and glyphosate out of your body to aid the detoxification process.
Suggested Use: 20-30 minutes
Combination Treatments: Detox IV therapy, Bemer, TCD Clear
- Better and deeper sleep
- A greater sense of calm
- Reduced brain fog
- Improved wellness
- Reduce glyphosate, aluminum, cadmium, lead,
mercury and other toxicants in the body

A nebulizer is a delivery method used to deliver different vitamins, minerals, herbs, NAD, and even colloidal silver to the respiratory system, the brain and ENT system for not only faster relief but for optimal health and absorption.
Suggested Use: 10-15 minutes
Combination Treatments: Defenders IV Therapy,
Light Wave, Hyperbaric Oxygen
- Direct application of nutrients
- Improve lung health
- Colds and coughs
- Asthma

tcd clear
A light sound neurofeedback technology can help you change old patterns in your brain to improve overall health. This unit can help activate and change brain waves for better sleep, more energy, and better memory!
Suggested Use: 10-20 minutes
Combination Treatments: Ion cleanse, Bemer, Nebulizer
- More focus
- More energy
- Increase parasympathetic tone

Ajna Light
This brainwave entrainment device stimulates different brain waves to allow for a deeper meditative state to create healing in the physical and emotional body. In activates the pineal gland and relaxes and activates the parasympathetic nervous system.
Suggested Use: 30-60 minutes
Combination Treatments: Bemer, Light Wave
- Deep relaxation
- Heal the brain by activating alpha, theta, beta and gamma brain waves
- Re-establishes the parasympathetic nervous system state for deep healing
- Change old patterning and beliefs that keep you stuck
- Stimulates the release of DMT from the pineal gland

infra red Sauna
Far infrared saunas allow for the heat to penetrate deeper into our bodies creating more blood circulation, healing, and a detox affect. This is a low EMF, non toxic sauna that can help you any health plan.
Suggested Use: 60 minutes
Combination Treatments: Bemer, Light Wave
- Improved circulation
- Support detox pathways
- Faster healing
- Skin health
- Boos immune system

Brain Tap gives us an immersive experience to deeply reset our brain and nervous system, clean the cobwebs of the subconscious programming with little to no effort other than letting go for 10-30min. It’s like washing the clutter of the day/week/month/years away and pressing the reset button.
Suggested Use: 10-30 minutes
Combination Treatments: Ion Cleanse, Bemer, Hyperbaric, IV Therapy
- Increase parasympathetic tone
- More focus and clarity
- More energy
- Less stress
- Better sleep
- Motivation
- Deep meditative state