Photobiomodulation reduces inflammation and pain, energizes, detoxifies and feeds the cells. By changing the cells in the body, the benefits cascade down into nearly every tissue, organ and system in the body.
People Simultaneously Feel, Think, Look and Perform …Better
You Just Get Better
Suggested Use: 10-20 minutes
Combination Treatments: IV Therapy, Sauna
- Reduces inflammation and pain
- Increase cellular energy
- Improves blood flow
- Stimulates healing and repair
- Activates stem cells

Feel, Think, Look and Perform… Better. This is a huge statement.
- It means people feel better; wellness, energy, pain, focus, mood all seem to improve with PBMt. The root cause cellular benefits benefit every tissue, organ and system in the body.
- They think better; with research reporting recovery from TBI, PTSD, CTE, Alzheimer’s and more. PBMt energizes brain cells, repairs damaged nerve fibers and reduces inflammation in the brain. Pulse activated PBMt may help target it to breakdown pathogenic states.
- They look better; with documented changes in collagen production, tightening of the elastin layer, improvements in hair growth, luster and color and improvements or even root cause elimination of conditions like acne, shingles, psoriasis and eczema.
They perform better; with improvements in speed, strength, endurance as well as a protective function whereby athletes in intense competition are protected against the mechanical damage that occurs during competition. ARRC LED is widely used in the NFL, Collegiate football, basketball, hockey and every branch of the US Military.
While there are over 6000 studies, the main effects that researchers seem to be sharing on the traditional approach to PBMt boils down to 4 cellular processes:
- Inflammation
- Reduce Toxicity
- An Increase in Cellular Energy
- Increased Circulation
Enhanced Wavelengths
The key benefits of Red and Near Infrared light highlighted above are hugely influential to the health of people and animals alike. ARRC LED takes how most companies approach PBMt several steps further, which stack additional benefits onto what is normally considered traditional PBMt or Red Light Therapy.
The ARRC LED systems use 6 different Dose Optimized wavelengths rather than the traditional Red and NIR wavelengths of 633nm, 660nm, 810nm and 850nm.
The key benefits of Red and Near Infrared light highlighted above are hugely influential to the health of people and animals alike. ARRC LED takes how most companies approach PBMt several steps further, which stack additional benefits onto what is normally considered traditional PBMt or Red Light Therapy.
Green Light
ARRC LED was the first to utilize green in a full body chamber in 2015 Green light is absorbed into the heme and oxyhemoglobin. This adds a few significant benefits both theoretical and proven.
- Green light effectively supercharges the blood. So not only are we increasing the quantity of blood flowing, we are increasing the quality of the blood that is increased due to the increase in circulation.
- Research in 2019 began to show that green was actually more effective than Red in wound healing. Photobiomodulation groups are now calling “green the new red”.
- Research in 2021 found that green also affects pain, but through different pathways than traditional Red/NIR. What this means is that the combination of the analgesic effect traditional red infrared has on the body are compounded by adding new pain relief pathways with green.
- We believe that green shares the same antibacterial and antiviral effects as blue light, which means green may be a powerful tool for acne, shingles, herpes and infections.
- Green has proven in both studies and practice to be an effective tool for migraines
940nm Mid Infrared
In 2021 ARRC LED shifted from a 2:1 ratio of 810 to 850 to an even ratio of 810nm, 850nm and 940nm. 940 is absorbed by chromophores in the cell membrane. We shape are 940 with frequency to effectively ‘structure’ the water in the cell membrane, This structuring is purposed to increase the bioimpedance or charge of the cell membrane.
Why? In our testing we found that our system was increasing phase angle 100% of the time for 100% of the patience tested. Phase angle is a measure of the ‘charge of the cell membrane’ and it is a powerful biomarker. Higher phase angle means we live longer. It means we live with less fragility. It means we have less incidence of cancer, and diabetes. The shift of one 810 to 940 is designed to take what we are already doing – increasing phase angle – and pushing it even further.
No other system does what ARRC LED does with wavelengths. And this is just the beginning.